Have you ensured that your property complies with current UK safety regulations? Staying updated with these legal requirements is not just mandatory - it's crucial for the safety and protection of your tenants and your property investment. Here’s a quick overview to keep you informed:
As of the Electrical Safety Standards in the Private Rented Sector (England) Regulations 2020, landlords are required to have the electrical installations in their properties inspected and tested by a qualified person at least every five years.
Landlords must obtain a report of the results, known as the Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR), and supply a copy to each tenant within 28 days of the inspection. Failure to comply can result in significant financial penalties.
It is advisable to perform a visual inspection of the property at each change of tenancy. Check that all lights and sockets are not only functioning but are also safe and not obscured by furniture. This helps in identifying potential hazards that might have been overlooked during regular use.
Don’t wait for the last minute to book your inspection. By planning early, you can ensure that your property meets all safety standards without the stress of deadlines. Early compliance also demonstrates a commitment to tenant safety, which can enhance your reputation as a conscientious landlord.
Beat the rush and contact us to book your inspection and ensure your property remains compliant with UK safety regulations. Our certified professionals are here to help you maintain a safe and compliant rental property.
Remember, a well-maintained property is safer and more appealing to prospective tenants. Stay ahead of the curve and ensure your rentals meet all required safety standards.